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2023-09-27 11:27  










1. 国家自然科学基金,层层组装石墨烯基复合储能材料的可控合成及构效关系,2023.01-2025.12,主持。

2. 江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目,超(亚)临界流体协助制备聚苯胺/纤维素复合材料,2018.09-2021.12,主持。

3. 江苏省先进材料功能调控技术重点实验室开放课题,可控合成二元过渡金属氧化物/石墨烯超级电容器材料的研究,2019.01-2020.12,主持。

4. 淮海工学院青年基金项目,超临界流体协助制备聚苯胺复合材料,2018.01-2019.12,主持。

5. 淮海工学院人才基金,超(亚)临界体系相平衡行为的预测研究,2017.07-2020.07,主持。

6. 横向课题,2,3-二硫代(2-巯乙基)-1-丙烷产品脱色工艺研究,2022.05-2023.046.8万,主持。

7. 横向课题,多元硫醇产品脱色工艺的产业化实施,2022.05-2023.0860万,主持。

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超(亚)临界R134a中聚苯乙烯发泡行为的平衡与非平衡性质研究,2015.01-2018.12,参与。

9. 江苏省科学技术厅面上项目,基于三维石墨烯骨架的自支撑多孔合金电极的制备及选择性电催化CO2机制研究,2018.07-2021.06,参与。


(1) Yanjiao Chang, Lu Wang, Zefeng Jiang, Ruo Zhang, Hejin Zhu, Dongen Zhang, Jing Zhu, et. al. Zwitterionic metal–organic framework with highly dispersed ionic liquid for enhancing CO2 capture, Separation and Purification Technology. 2023, 326, 124828-124835.

(2) Chengcheng Xu, Q ingfang Meng, Haili Yang, Jing Zhu*, et. al. Preparation of polyaniline/cellulose composites assisted with supercritical CO2, Journal of Materials Research, 2022, 37(18), 3049-3059.

(3) 孟庆方, 许成成, 孙志伟, 刘安琪, 孙棐驰, 谢瑞, 赵跃强, 徐国想, 朱婧*. 植酸/金属离子共掺杂聚苯胺/纤维素复合材料的制备与电化学性能研究, 北京化工大学学报. 自然科学版, 2021, 48(2): 51-58.

(4) Jing Zhu, Rui Xie, Yueqiang Zhao, Qi Xu, Kai Hu, Chang Ma, Lanjun Zhang, Mingyan Wang*, Separation and Model Correlation for p-Nitroaniline and m-Nitroaniline Mixture with Subcritical R134a. Separation and Purification Technology. 2019, 227, 115706-115712.

(5) Jing Zhu, et al. Determination and Modelling for Solubility of o-Aminobenzamide and Its Mixture in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 132, 470-478.

(6) Jing Zhu, Yubo Wang, Chengwei Chang, JunSu Jin. Determination and Modelling for Solubility of o-Aminobenzamide and Its Mixture in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2016, 14, 83-92 (IF=4.76)

(7) Jing Zhu, Chengwei Chang, Hao Wu, Junsu Jin. Solubility of Polyvinyl Alcohol in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1, 1, 1, 2-Tetrafluoroethane. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2015, 404, 61-69. (IF= 2.139)

(8) Jing Zhu, Mengxi Li, Haifei Zhang, Yanying Ning, Junsu Jin. Determination and Calculation for Solubility of m-Nitroaniline and Its Mixture in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2014, 92, 2806-2813. (IF= 2.281)

(9) 朱婧,王海靖,金君素,超临界技术在煤炭清洁转化领域中的应用进展与展望,化学工业,2016, 0117-19.(中文核心)

(10) 朱婧,桑佳荣,常成维,金君素,张泽廷. 超临界流体中聚合物体系相平衡的模型研究. 第十届全国超临界流体技术学术及应用研讨会论文集,广东广州,2014.

(11) Yueqiang Zhao, Weiwei Liu, Jing Zhu, et al. Solvent affinity and its applications in the prediction of mutual solubility. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 343, 117700.

(12) Yueqiang Zhao, Weiwei Liu, Jing Zhu, et al. A Universal Cohesive Energy estimation equation based on COSMO[J]. AIChE Journal, 2020.

(13) Yueqiang Zhao, Weibing Wang, Weiwei Liu, Jing Zhu, Xiaoqin Pei, Density-based UNIFAC model for solubility prediction of solid solutes in supercritical fluids[J], 2020, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2020, 506, 112376-112386.

(14) Yueqiang Zhao, Weiwei Liu, Jing Zhu, Xiaoqin PeiSolvent Similarity Analysis? from Qualitative to Quantitative, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 184, 149-160.

(15) Lanjun Zhang, Zenghua Li, Wenjing He, Jinhu Li, Xuyao Qi, Jing Zhu, Lanming Zhao, Xue Zhang. Study on the change of organic sulfur forms in coal during low-temperature oxidation process, Fuel, 2018, 222, 350–361.

(16) Hao Wu, Jing Zhu, Yiwei Wang, Chengwei Chang, Junsu Jin, Measurement and Modeling for Solubility of 3-Hydroxybenzaldehyde and Its Mixture with 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, 409, 271-279.

(17) Junsu Jin, Chengwei Chang, Jing Zhu, Hao Wu, Zeting Zhang, Solubility of Poly (vinyl-pyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weight in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2015, 60, 3397-3403.




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